LIVE Classes

Join Kelly for transformative group Zoom sessions, where spiritual exploration and personal growth are at the forefront:

  • Classes: The energy and the intention of the group is used to explore a variety of specific topics. This is a focused class with like-minded individuals. In these sessions, you will:

    • Experience the six-point meditation, led and defined by source, accompanied by Light Language.

    • Invite the Angels of the chakra system through toning to clear, balance and heal the chakra system.

    • Receive channeled messages that resonate with the group's energy, intention and questions.

    • Enjoy a 30-minute Q&A with Kelly and the guides for deeper insights.

  • Recordings for Reflection: With every session booking, you'll receive a recording. This allows you to revisit the insights and continue your spiritual exploration at your own pace.

These sessions are designed to build a community focused on spiritual development, guided by Kelly's expertise and the wisdom of Guides and Angels. Whether you attend occasionally or regularly, you're invited to join this journey of collective enlightenment and personal transformation.


Missed a session or new to our community? Don't worry! Recordings of our past meetups will soon be available for you to catch up at your convenience. Stay tuned for updates and access details below.